Wrongly accused of child abuse, domestic violence, date rape, sexual harassment and child custody cases.
The purpose of this site is to provide information and provide assistance to: persons wrongly accused of child abuse, domestic violence, date rape, rape, sexual crimes, and child custody cases. AND the return of missing children.
If you don't consider your case an emergency, nobody else will either!
The A-team is made up of
Trial Consultants,
Medical Doctors,
Private Investigators
and others assembled for each individual case, as may be needed to help those wrongly accused of child abuse, domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment and other crimes that are gender or family related. And we also help on complex child custody cases, and those involving issues of interstate and international jurisdiction questions. The return of missing children.
The purpose of this web site
We appreciate your stopping by. The purpose of this web site is to help those in need with survival information and assistance We have the materials and personnel to help.. Specific information can be obtained by contacting us via E-mail or at the office phone number. You can contact The A-team (top right "Contact" button) or the how to hire the A-Team page to expedite rescue.
What we do
We hope that you will allow us to help you.If your case isn't an emergency to you, it won't be for anyone else. Time is of the essence.
We do not offer free services, what we offer is accurate and effective help.
We do not work on child support cases.
We can advise your attorney or refer you to an expert attorney, help select experts for your case with your attorney and assist your attorney select a jury in criminal cases. We also perform an analysis of your case and propose a strategy outline for you and your attorney.
We do strategic case planning and preparation for testimony and appropriate psychological and psycho-physiological testing if needed on your type of case.
We also offer a data base of documentary and research files which available as needed to our clients and their attorneys. Files are available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Clients can obtain a full list of these files that can be made available to you on CD for a small fee.
We assist with jury selection and jury analysis during a trial. We have assisted on civil and or criminal cases in all 50 states and several foreign nations.
To better understand what type of legal help you really need today, we have a brief essay entitled:
"Horse and Buggy Lawyers in the 21st Century" (click "GENERAL INFORMATION" folder left side bar to find this article)
You may also wish to visit the page
"Now is not the Time Syndrome" (click "ARTICLES FOR GUIDANCE" folder to find this article).
CAUTION: We are bound by legal restrictions on what can be offered this via web site and services. Nothing on this site is intended or implied to replace competent legal representation by a licensed attorney. As a Trial Consultant, I do not and cannot provide legal advice to the public. If you require legal advice, I will refer you to an attorney we work with near you, or nationally who is Bar certified in the area of law you require. Advice I provide must either be of a non-legal nature or be provided only at the direction and under supervision of an attorney licensed to practice law. Information available on this web site is general in nature and not intended to offer specific legal advice.
WARNING: We are bound by legal restraints on what can be offered via web site and services. Nothing on this site is intended or implied to replace competent legal representation by a licensed attorney. As a Trial Consultant, I do not and cannot provide legal advice to the public. If you require legal advice, I will refer you to an attorney we work with near you or nationally who is Bar certified in the area of law you require. Advice I provide must either be of a non-legal nature or be provided only at the direction and under supervision of an attorney licensed to practice law. Information available on this web site is general in nature and not intended to offer specific legal advice.